Musings, Tips, and Thoughts from Love Sudo

By Josey Howarth

Understanding Domain Registrars

If you want a custom website address with your chosen name, you'll need to use a domain registrar.

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By Josey Howarth

GitKraken: Failed to start SSH Session Solved

We saw "failed to connect to Invalid argument." We also had "failed to start SSH session: failed getting banner".

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By Josey Howarth

Website Security Cake

Website security is sometimes neglected, or treated as an afterthought. Focusing on securing only one layer of your website leaves you vulnerable.

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By Dan Hoarth

Love Sudo and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We wanted to take a moment and explain how our services will be impacted during this time of social distancing and in some cases forced isolation.

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By Josey Howarth

Yarn Debian key reports expiration date

One important part of keeping a server secure is ensuring updates are applied.

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By Josey Howarth

Monitoring reporting high CPU/RAM for WordPress site?

... we started getting notifications about one of our servers running consistently at almost 100% CPU and 100% RAM.

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By Josey Howarth

Security Confessions from Darth Securitas: Passwords

A password is a funny little collection of characters that make you feel utterly safe one moment and then destroys your trust the next.

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