
Many of our clients work in high-risk fields. We strive every day to ensure our clients are not just happy, but also feel safe.

A lot of our clients come to us from recommendations of our current and previous clients; something that gives us at Love Sudo a great sense of pride.


Company Type: Marine Automation R&D

Service: Project Management

Josey helped me set up my project management platform. I’m still amazed at the speed she was able to break down my usual workflow and organize it. In what felt like a few minutes, Josey was able to wrangle information from me about the chaos that used to be my workflow. She broke it down and organized it in record time (still amazed).

Then she showed me how to apply this with a project management platform. All in all, her help has drastically improved productivity, issue tracking and time management. I would recommend Josey for anyone who needs structure and organization in their work


Company Type: Startup CEO

Service: Virtual Assistance, Community Management

Saying that Josey is an excellent professional would be an understatement. What she brings to our company is not just a set of skills and the diligence to put them to work, but also a warmth and humanity that I have never seen in anyone else.

She cares deeply about her work, but also about the people she works with, and she takes it on herself to make sure that everyone is happy and enjoying their day.

From the moment we started working together, she became a crucial part of our company, and her broad knowledge proved to be useful in any situation we were facing. Most of all, we all gained a new best friend, someone we trust because she always has our best interests at heart.


Company Type: Storyteller, Writer, Creater and Destroyer of Worlds

Service: Virtual Assistance, Project Management

Love Sudo is Josey, but Josey is so much more than Love Sudo. She’s unquestionably the kindest, most caring person I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, and is likely also the most intelligent.

It’d be impossible to list all of the ways she’s helped me over the years, and most go well beyond any reasonable expectation of a virtual assistant. My author platform, marketing strategy, social networking plan, book formatting, and so much more exists because of Josey.

I’m biased at this point, obviously, and I couldn’t imagine trying to become a professional artist without Josey’s tireless devotion to my progress. She’s set me up for success, and I have boundless faith in her ability to do the same for you. Love Sudo, I know I do.


Company Type: Student

Service: Mentoring, Education

I have been under Josey’s tutelage for a very long time. To say that she’s a professional is an understatement of her capabilities. Josey has taught me the world of web development from the bobby basics, from the first “Hello World” HTML document to deploying live websites. She’s been there, watching and guiding me. She’s also versatile in adapting lessons into something I can relate to in order to digest the material.

I feel like that is just the tip of the iceberg regarding her depth of knowledge. I’ve heard and seen her passion for imparting her wisdom to others. Her lesson plans are always tailored to my capabilities, and there hasn’t been an instance where something was impossible with her guidance. There are days when she has to be pedantic and nuanced with certain keywords, but that is to ensure you learn the lesson correctly.

If you ever become mentored by Josey, there is no doubt you will gain a lot of information presented in a way that you can understand more easily than ever. I am grateful and lucky to be under her mentorship and teachings.

Sebrina Eden

Company Type: Independent Author

Service: Virtual Assistance, Website Hosting & Management

Have you ever had the thought that you wished you could pursue a dream, but found the requirement of a digital presence daunting? After all, technology changes all the time. How can you possibly keep up with the new wave of bots, scams, or trolls? How can you be certain you’re making the right decisions that will help build the community you’re looking for?

I don’t know when it happened exactly, but at some point, despite wanting nothing more in the world than to be a published author, I withdrew from public online. I locked down all my accounts. If you know anything about publishing in this digital climate, you know that was not the right move.

But I was plagued by worries about my privacy and the privacy of my family, and by what I didn’t know: I don’t code. I’m not enough of an artist to manage my own graphic designs. What do I share with people publicly? How could I possibly do all of these things safely, and do all the things I needed to do to become an author?

Love Sudo - that was the answer to everything. They’re so much more than a company offering web solutions. They are driven by a passion for digital safety and making knowledge accessible so people like me can make the best informed decision possible regarding their online presence and how it’s handled.

Their support doesn’t end there either. I struggled so much with balancing all the things required to become an author: social media accounts, website, the actual writing and editing of my stories, and ensuring my home life didn’t suffer.

Love Sudo offered me tools to help like software to help organise myself, and while I know Love Sudo would absolutely teach me everything I would need to know to take charge of my website, having them there helps ease my worries and allows me to focus on writing. I feel safe and empowered with Love Sudo’s help.

Sheri Fredricks

Company Type: Award Winning Independent Author

Service: Virtual Assistance, Website Hosting & Management

When it comes to website design there are loads of designers who talk a good game, but Love Sudo can make it happen. They have enabled me, coached me, and given me the confidence to share my stories. The website is now engaging fans and peers alike, and bringing me new readers with great results. Even as an author, there aren’t enough words to share my delight!